Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thank you for visiting Mom and Sam!

Last week, my mom and sister Sam came to visit. I am so grateful for them taking that yucky drive just to come and spend 3 days with us! I just wanted to say thank you to them and all of the other family that bought gifts for Skylar! I love you and am so blessed to have you in my life. Mom, your generosity completely overwhelms me at times, and you mean so very much to us even though you are far away. I love you, I think about you all everyday, and hope one day we will live closer. Unfortunately, something was up with my camera while mom and sam were here so the only thing I could find was the old lady midget pics...

1 comment:

Rachelle Lynne said...

Your little diva looks just like her daddy! I miss you!!! Hope you are well!